Sunday, August 9, 2009

he is ALMOST saying Pelosi and Obama are LYING to the people.

((((So it is disappointing, to say the least, to see Ms. Pelosi and other Democrats revert to round-up-the-usual-suspects demagoguery. President Obama has been more restrained but hardly more accurate; in a news conference last month, he inaccurately complained about insurers making "record profits, right now." In fact, among U.S. industries generally and other parts of the health sector in particular, insurers are not particularly profitable. The latest Fortune 500 ranking of most profitable industries has pharmaceuticals third, medical products and equipment fourth, and health insurers down at No. 35. Drugmakers reported a 19.3 percent profit margin; insurers, 2.2 percent. ))))

wow sounds like he is ALMOST saying Pelosi and Obama are LYING to the people. They wouldnt do that just to jin up class warfare would they??

Seems like lying to the PEOPLE for their own good al la AL Gore is OK, YES? NO?

Barney Franks and Fannie Mae ruined USA

Just a remonder. it is amazing we just let the libs LIE, well no truth if the press is corrupt.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Remeber Barney Franks and Chris Dodd

They ginned Fannie Mae and Freddie Frank into ruining the mortgage market and then the econony... despite liberals and Obama's lies that it was the Bush policies.

A dangerous man.

This man is creepy as he preaches division, sounds like the great divider now. Dosn't seem he would mind blood in the streets. Would his minions support martial law? Apparently they support his call to silence his opponents. We will hit them harder is his call.

"Why should I listen to them? They caused the problem!!"

He is demonizing the US citizens. What an embarassment to have this Chicago thug as our president.

A dangerous man. This Barack Hussein Obama.

No matter how low he sinks, I am constantly amazed he can go lower. He now claims the President of the United states has no reason to listen to US citizens. Citizens are irrevocably elienated from their government based on their disagreeing with Obama.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Fishy, Nazi, Marxists

Just when I think Obama and his Chicago Mob has sunk to their lowest level they prove me wrong. It just amazes me how the press and his cohorts seem to be willing to ratchet up the dialogue to unheard of levels.

All is well in the republic, it is the sheep's clothing we need to fear, we know how to respond when the wolf bears his teeth. Now they are willing to expose themselves they have lost, only by trickery and deceit could they foist this socialist regime on our citizens. I have no doubt about 30% of the population would be OK with that, but the rest of us will prevail.

I listen to Chis Mathews and these imbeciles talking about how the same people are showing up who were in Florida in 2001.. How descenters are too well dressed to be honest good folks... have these people lost their minds? Have they absolutely NO INTEGRITY. It is an absolute joke how within 5 minutes of each other they are reciting EXACTLY THE SAME QUOTES,. I'm sure they are all on Obama's talking point email list. Someone please stand up and show some sanity, one rational voice in the main stream media could be an absolute American hero.

Obama doesn't have any respect for our country, for its traditions or anything we stand for. AND HE HAS NO RESPECT FOR THE CITIZENS AND THEIR RIGHTS. He's starting to sound a lot like a South American dictator he seems to love.

Ah they finally got it RIGHT, we are the enemy, we are the mob, we are their worst nightmare.

We are USA citizens, and this is the land of our fathers, and this is about their vision not Pelosi's, Dodd's Reid's or Obama's or the Chicago Machine's.

Now you will find out just how irritating and obnoxious community organizers can get.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The truth is ...

The truth is Obama himself probably doesn't know what he believes about exact issues. He is in general a Social/progressive Ideologue, the details are probably not that important to him. He probably spent most of his life within his extreme liberal environment believing most people agreed with what he thought. He probably believed a small cadre of capitalists ran the country and the masses were really for socialism and what He believed in. He probably is surprised so many people are anti-socialist. He is now confused. He doesn't know what to say to whom. Do USA citizens really disagree with socialism... Obama thought the time was right and he was the MAN.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Talking to a liberal

Talking to a liberal.

No matter what you say, they say, "you watch Fox News right?" as if that immediately casts you as some ignorant fool... while Cris Mathews (thrill up and down his leg) is a bastion of accurate reporting.

When you quote statistics, even the most recognized such as 80% of street crime is commuted by
minorities, they question your sources, NO MATTER WHAT THEY ARE.

Then there are those secret thoughts they harbor about the TRUTH they think you cant handle... such as population control, with birth control, abortions, quotas and euthanasia.


No matter what it is, if you repeat it enough you can make people believe it.

For example:

"There are 50 million Americans who cant get health insurance"

12 million illegal aliens
16 million can afford and choose not to
15 million qualify for medicaid and other benefits and dont apply
rest are between jobs/

"There are many people who are refused because of previous illnesses"

This is already illegal and dosnt apply to groups anyway.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The great $4500 gove-a-way

JEEZE what a circus, now the libs are congratulating themselves that if they give away $4500 people will actually take it. So 250,000 citizens defines only by what car they own took advantage of getting 4500-2000 or so bonus on their trade in. The libs seem to feel exhilarated that they were successful, they are gleeful. Do they realize they spent 3billion encentivizing citizens to buy the wrong cars? These arn't really the GREEN cars. Oh well in 2011 we'll do another 3 billion to sell the real green cars. Why Not?


I'm trying to figure out why I should pay 1billion to 3 billion so 250,000 to 750,000 jokers who will buy a car that BARELY reduces gas consumption. The greenies are orgasmic because it reduces CO2 emissions. So of 200,000,000 vehicles we may get 750,000 to reduce emissions by 30%.

So .30 x .0035 = 0.00105 of emissions from vehicles thats 1 tenth of 1 percent. We did a lot better than that by cutting back when prices were 4.50 a gallon. So now everyone has their official GREEN car, who's going to by the new ones Detroit is going to produce?

Guess well need to pay these 750,000 buyers to trade in for a Colt or whatever the REAL GREEN car is.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Obama's irresponsible presidency - litany of hate

Obama Chicago style community organizer starts to emerge, preach class waefare, hatred, with any lie that suits your purpose.

Trash Los Vegas and other convention places.
Encourage class warfare accusing persons doing well of immoral actions.
Accusing doctors of immoral actions.
Sending ACORN to demonstrate in front of individuals homes.
Unaccountable racially inflammatory statements such as in Gates instance.
Inaccurately accusing United Health Group of immoral profits - they make 4%
Accusing Republicans of stopping Health Bill when 51 Dems are the real problem.
Lying about provisions of health care.

The Company operates in two segments: Government and Commercial. The Government segment consists of beneficiaries of government benefit programs, and includes three lines of business: Medicare, Military and Medicaid. The Commercial segment consists of members enrolled in its medical and specialty products marketed to employer groups and individuals.

Sales 29.70 Bil
Income 772.70 Mil
Net Profit Margin 2.60%
Return on Equity 17.72%
Debt/Equity Ratio 0.47

serves approximately 60 million individuals with its diversified offering of health, financial and ancillary benefit services

Financial Highlights
Sales 84.27 Bil
Income 3.49 Bil
Net Profit Margin 4.14%
Return on Equity 17.04%
Debt/Equity Ratio 0.54

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Progressive liberals VS condervatives

A liberal thinks there is too large of a population and thinks of abortion and euthanasia.

A conservative thinks of a too large population and thinks of building cities, power plants and infrastructure and generating the wealth to mke their lives useful.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Racial Profiling

In the first three months of 2009, 52 percent of all people stopped for questioning by the police in New York City were black, though blacks are just 24 percent of the population. But according to the victims of and witnesses to crime, blacks commit about 68 percent of all violent crime in the city. Blacks commit 82 percent of all shootings and 72 percent of all robberies, whereas whites, who make up 35 percent of the city's population, commit about 5 percent of all violent crimes, 1 percent of shootings, and about 4 percent of robberies.

National crime patterns are the same. Black males between the ages of 18 and 24 commit homicide at ten times the rate of whites and Hispanics combined. Such vastly disproportionate crime rates must lead, if the police are going after crime in a color-blind fashion, to disproportionate stop and arrest rates. To criticize the police for crime-determined enforcement activity is to blame the messenger.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


IVE BEEN MAILING THIS TO MASS MEDIA hoping someone wants to keep Obama honest.

If there where any legit news anymore they would report on this.

Obama lies about United Health Care high profits.


He says in these hard times United profits are up 155%.At best this is a rampant distortion, at worst it is a rabble rousing cry to his minions to HATE AND GET ANGRY.

He wants to pit us against each other and is willing to lie to us to do it.

Earnings Per Share - Quarterly Results UNITED HEALTH GROUP

FY (12/09) FY (12/08) FY (12/07)
1st Qtr $0.82 $0.80 $0.69
2nd Qtr $0.73 $0.28 $0.93

(notice abnormally low qtr last year which allows LIBS to claim this huge profit last qtr. LIES LIES DISTORTION.

3rd Qtr NA $ 0.76 $0.98
4th Qtr NA $0.61 $0.95

Total $1.55 $2.45 $3.55

These are number from United Health care, they are up from qtr year ago because qtr year ago was a bad qtr, not because profits are atrocious, their profits are 4% of revenues about 1/5th of companies like Microsoft or Oracle, 1/2 of GE, less than Walmart and Apple. For example Microsoft margins are 25.86% vs United of 4.14. Almost every good company in the world makes more margins than United. I think they ARE ALL in Obama's sights. He dosnt believe in the money going to stockholders, he thinks it belongs to THE PEOPLE. problem is it's his people, the unions the dem voters the gov workers etc wtc OH YEAH, ACORN or whatever they are called today.


Amazing that EVEN Obama would go on National TV with this LIE
, he is either very STUPID or trusts a VERY DISHONEST STAFF who thinks the Citizens are ignorant. And trusts a corrupt media not to object to his lies. Probably the 30-40% who adore to him are convinced of ANYTHING HE SAYS,

I know the heath care ins industry isnt that EXORBITANTLY profitable so I knew this was some kind of distorted lie. FOR EXAMPLE GE who Obama suks up to has 8.27% margins

So he continues to preach hatred and bullshit and you (the press) continue to support this corruption of the American way. Without a honest press these politicians will lie to us every which way. Should we ignores this man is a product of the Chicago Machine Thuggery, this is NO SAINT!!! How can we get the Main Media to at least be honest enough so the citizens arn't lied to?

Financial Highlights GE
Sales 170.94 Bil
Income 13.82 Bil
Net Profit Margin 8.27%
Return on Equity 11.99%
Debt/Equity Ratio 4.59

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Conservatism equals better governance, and a better kind of love

The bleeding liberals

There is this sense that the love the polar bears, vegetarian, mother earth, global warming, green energy persons are "More Loving, "Less Prejudiced", "Greater Intellects" and the more pragmatic, conservatives are somehow "Less Loving" and DUMBER, and crueler and more prejudiced.
So the liberals say they have a better PATH to the future, a kinder and gentler way that takes care of everyone who cant do it for themselves, or can't do as well as some others, or or.Reality is that this giving generous NANNY state ideology has not worked anywhere it has been tried. It isn't relevant that the progressive ideology has a appealing sales pitch, relevancy is dependent on success. After 80 years of experimentation all of the progressive attempts at governance have failed.
HOUSING PROJECTS of the 50's. These low cost public housing projects became prisons and gang emporiums. In Chicago they couldn't keep the elevators running and people were terrorized by gangs and others who took control.
WELFARE: Families were impacted because there was no incentive to marry. An unmarried mother received more assistance, and child care and other benefits. Fathers, not being legally responsible didn't contribute to the family.
HOME LOANS: Terrorizing banks to give low non prime loans to have people who couldn't afford it buy homes ruined these people and the national economy.
ACORN: Financing irresponsible action groups built power structures negative to the general well being.
Unions: Pandering to teacher, fire dept, postal, public transportation, and gov unions with full retirement as early as 50 and excessive health care programs and other entitlements bankrupted cities, states and potentially our nation.
The end is that intentions and sense of "good" didn't get it done. Sure it has a sense of GOOD to give Fire Fighters 100% retirement after 20 years of service and 50 years of age. But when you can't pay the bills and your city state is bankrupt where is the GOOD.
When you have asked your citizens for so much taxes that they are leaving your city or state where is the goodness then.
Intentions are great BUT RESULTS MATTER.
Has anyone heard of tough love. That's the way I think of us conservatives. It may require a little toughness, but if the results are better isn't that the real test of CARING. Doing what may be harder, but works is really a better kind of love.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Table is over Loaded

Those like Obama who speak in cliches like "With 10% unemployment nothing is off the table". This means what? Obvious somethings ARE off the table. A TAX CUT seems to be off the table. "Nothing is off the table", is a meaningless statement meant to display Obama as a reasonable intelligent guy. It really means I DO NT WANT TO DECIDE. I'm not going to answer that question.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Liberal Model

Does the Liberal ideology of the progressives work?


Doesn't appear like it, take Detroit after many years of liberal rule, Detroit dies, as do all large cities with liberal governance. If they are not dead they are in the top in taxes and loosing liquidity quickly. There is no evidence that a liberal government can run ANYTHING. They have no interest or knack at creating wealth, only distributing it. They take more and more from productive citizens and give more and more to non-productive citizens. Truth is, some people need to work very hard to survive, working very hard use to be a positive attribute. Today it isn't even on the radar screen for a large percentage of our population.


Our citizens are not safe. The liberal society that puts the rights of habitual felons before the safety of the lawful citizen is broken. Most horrendous crimes, kid napping and rape of children and women are committed by criminals who have been released from prison, often on parole or early release programs. Families of People killed by drunken drivers find he has 3-5 DUI arrests.


We see statements that 80% of the people in prison are minorities. The liberals use that as an example of how our society is unfair to minorities. BUT THE FACTS ARE that minorities commit more than 80% of the crimes. The liberal calls of racism hamper an honest discussion of the real issues. Little is spoken of the cesspool of degradation in our inner cities anymore. The liberal agenda has appropriated trillions of dollars to fix these problems but instead have used it to build a political apparatus, not improve the status of the downtrodden. The fact is, we have paid reparation for 60 years and the politicians have diverted it to self serving programs such as ACORN and "Project Housing" that centralized their political base. The black politicians and other liberals never wanted desegregation because in an integrated district where the minorities were 20% they probably wouldn't be elected.

Social Issues:

I believe 75% of minority children grow up fatherless. This is largely due to the social programs that reward single mothers. So while it makes sense not to marry for economic reasons, it also relieves the man from any legal burden for his family. After years of supporting Gay Rights, atheism, Right to Abortions, and other programs that deteriorate the family structure the Liberals have created a totally dysfunctional society. They have some derided fantasy that they can teach family planning to those they haven't taught to read or write. REMEMBER 90% of the teaching in public schools is controlled by liberals. Here, again, more effort is given to organizing political power through Unions and other devices and providing for the well-being of the teachers than providing a viable education. The more sought after education such as in private Catholic schools is nurtured by a more conservative ideology.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Chicago Style

Hey Chicago style for Hot dogs, Pizza and Architecture is a admirable thing, for politics it is about corruption, graft, payola. The ultimate model for machine politics. Chicago has become a refuge for the likes of Bill Ayers, Jesse Jackson, Reverend Wright and others. As long as you ay homage to the machine you can flourish in Chicago.

Obama's team reeks of Chicago thuggery, Firing Inspector generals, attacking citizens like Joe the Plumber, kamikaze attacks such as on Sarah Palin, threatening Bank CEO's in order to coerce them into deals, corrupting the Bankruptcy proceedings to accommodate their union supporters, blatantly designing laws to favor the unions with tax exemptions and other Chicago style scenarios. Well, after all his staff ARE Chicago thugs. He is a Chicago thug.

Iran and Obama

So now we learn that he has this letter to Ayatollah that is a supreme secret. So Obama has secret love letters to Supreme Leader, which he thinks will bear fruit. Remember everything Obama ever accomplished was comparable to winning a debate. He believes the world is one of WORDS, words win elections, words win court cases, words impress students.

This is not a man of action and re-action. So he offers words to the supreme Leader, he believes it is a contest of words, and he believes he is the MASTER silver tongue. That is his "gift".

When confronted with the failure of reason and arguments Obama has yet to show any ability to DECIDE. He will soon understand that reason and logic are not the ultimate tools and that fanaticism and ideology will trump rational debate every time.

That may be why a Bush is ultimately a better leader than Obama, you got to BELIEVE baby. It may be more about heart and conviction than rational and logical thought. It may be more about stubborn consistency than pleasing everyone.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Obama In Cairo June 2009

OK it was a decent speech, OK maybe in an Ideal world it could spell a difference.

BUT in the REAL WORLD the warm fuzzy feelings evaporate exceedingly quickly. Can the hatreds be mediated? Perhaps.

It isn't likely or realistic to believe all of the corrupted self interested power wielders are going to be persuaded by a sweet talking politician, they throw sweet talking politicians in jail, they hang them, they torture them.

Maybe some people on the street can be converted, Obama certainly has a FOLLOWING in the USA that defies any explanation. It isn't based on competence or accomplishments but is purely charismatic persuasion. I don't know the results of this type of phenomenon, we can understand Hitler by historical reference but not by any rational analysis. Only that he capitalized on general misery of the German people.

My judgement is that our friends will experience a curious reaction, some of which will be fear. It has been good to be a friend of the USA, a strong and determined ally that always leaned toward the interests of it's friends. Maybe a new fairness isn't what our friends want.

Our enemies may see an opportunity to exploit our new fairness as a weakness and find ways to benefit.

CYNICISM or reality? The world hasn't been a good place for the weak and undefended. Many of them have relied on alliances with a tough and determined USA to prosper, I hope that future continues, but I fear for them in this new world of Obama where the meek inherit the earth.

The whole Islamic experience is an creation of a pirate brotherhood. All of the components are there, it differs little from a Hells Angels or other gang covenant. The position of woman guarantees at least some power and gain for every male member, the lack of status of all non members creates a legitimized victim class for the membership to terrorize. It establishes power and a means of gaining wealth and a structure for establishing centralized power by requiring MEMBERSHIP DUES be paid up the line. This line of succession seems maintainable by their customs where one cleric is succeeded by his Son.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


I am OK with a president that is pro-choice. I think many families today feel they have the right to control their families and choose to do so. I can't help when a family is finally raising a child , when they look into those youthful eyes, what they might think of the eyes they shuttered forever, of those that weren't chosen. Are there any ramifications to this usurpation of authority.

I don't mind my president being pro choice, I do feel very uncomfortable that he is the most rabid pro choice advocate in the country. That he is OK with killing living beings rather than suffer this INCONVENIENT TRUTH is a bit disturbing. Here is a man that says the words sacrifice but is the abortionist in chief of our country and considers life a possible punishment for the parents.

Friday, March 27, 2009

If 1,000,000 monkeys at 1,000,000 typewriters

There is an old saying that eventually by random chance enough monkeys pounding on keyboards world produce every known work of art. The idea here being that if you had enough activity and no defined objective then eventually everything would happen by random chance.

President Obama is now testing this theory, he campaigned with the populist theory that we are rewarding companies that are shipping good jobs overseas. On March 26, 2008 during his on-line town hall meeting he said those weren't good jobs. Obviously reacting to current foreign pressure about protectionism. I would imagine that some of the 1000's of software jobs going to India would meet some one's definition of happiness in USA.

It isn't about what IS IS anymore, what is doesn't matter. It is about what suits the moment, it's about the words you say.

You would think truth would create the words, Obama tries to create a convenient truth with a collection of words.

Whats really curious is why we can't repeat the same words more often, is this what we mean by change? The problem is Obama has a progressive ideology without any specific goals, every progressive item is on his agenda, a total and complete re-engineering of our social order.

Just now, Obama speaking of our wars has said that our civilians have made a lot of sacrifices, well he normally doesn't say this. Normally he says we are the UGLY AMERICAN and we need to LEARN to make sacrifices.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Young Presdent

Surprising we keep saying that Obama is young, yes his persona is youthful, but 47 is hardly "Young". When does YOUNG dissolve into immature and naive. I think it has. We have a naive progressive that has actually bought into the ideology. Most progressive politicians use progressives to build a base politically, then implement policies that are more widely appealing to our citizenship. Now that class warfare and fascism is our official white house stance, and Obama is exposed as a full fledged Socialist, do I detect a certain regret even in his most ardent media supporters? I hope so. I don't want to be just another socialist democracy with a growing communist party in the wings. I want to be the republic Thomas Jefferson lived for.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

An evolving Presidency

President Obama's views seem to be evolving, from convienent campaign slogans to real life action plans, No surprise there is a big devide in some of these positions, surely we knew he only said what we wanted to hear. His hard stance on Afghanistan was obviously a ploy to compensate for the liberal aura of WEAKNESS on military and inter national issues. Now Obama is talking about reconciliation with moderate Taliban (is there such a thing?). This would only take away 50% of woman's rights ans install 50% Shara law.

REMEMBER, Islam isn't all that disturbing to Barack Hussein Obama, it is his birth father's and step father's religion.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Obama Break Out Groups

There's a lot of ink being used talking about Obama's inexperience and numerous small mistakes, like bad karma with Britain's Prime Minister, his Price/profit earnings ratio naivety.

Some talk about his inexperience and youth, actually Obama is 47, not actually qualified as YOUTHFUL and no-one is really qualified to be president. Obama's real problem is that he is too rooted in academia. Presentations such as summit groups and break out groups are an exercise of academia that simulates problem solving. Academia's obsession with IDEAS creates an ultimate atmosphere to generate ideas. They then list them, sort them, categorize, rate and rank them. The academia and the elite progressive is consumed with the premise that ideas drive the world, if you just had the BEST idea the solution would slip effortlessly into place.

I spent 5 years on advisory board to A branch of the University of Wisconsin. It was always about accumulating Ideas and rating and ranking them, seldom about ACTION. An academic told me (dripping with sarcasm) that the difference between business people and academics were that the business community tended to be too impetuous.

This obsession with ideas tends to ignore what works. Some optimum distribution of wealth between achievers and non achievers may very well exist. There may actually be a real fairness issue and somewhere on the "CHART" maybe the scales are in perfect balance.

What academics and and ideologues in general tend to miss is that some final vision isn't in reality an "IDEA". A world where everyone exists at a standard of living equal to $250,000 annual income is not an IDEA. A world where everyone shares wealth equally isn't an IDEA, These are OUTCOMES.

Outcomes are useful for some long range target to focus efforts and designs, as a yardstick to judge effort and progress but they are not actionable ideas.

Some outcomes are not obtainable. There are 5 billion people on the Earth, everyone cannot have 5 acres on the ocean with servants and cabanas etc.

However, defining an outcome isn't necessarily the best approach to problem solving. Defining a process that produces as much wealth as possible may obtain a result across a large range of outcomes, variable by community, organization and individual. Non human variables such as climate can impact outcome greatly.

Defining a method or process is invariably actionable by definition and is a model that can be tweaked and improved Thu normal model building techniques. Not being confined to a single rigid outcome is an advantage in this system. Defining an outcome is rigid, inflexible and requires extraordinary amount of control.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Financing the revolution

Financing the revolution

Obama always gets "A" for style. What do you need to say to day, he'll give you a fair rendering. Yet methinkss what we call "boldness" is actually recklessness and lightheartedness.

Here is a man who has NOT lived much of his life as an American, and for all we know was registered in college and later as a Kenyan.

Fair speculation of a man who hasn't been veted properly. I propose he dose NOT value the America we do very much, so it is less of a perceived risk for him to put it all in jeopardy as if this were some academic experiment.

He literally has said lets spin the top left and ANYTHING left of here is good enough for him.

He believes in anarchy of the lower class, even distribution of wealth, (as long as he can get his elitest exceptions).

Class warfare with bankers and wall street as the enemy is a classical socialist/facist tactic for mainipulating the masses. It is so obvious in his presentation that he is reaching for these buttons that it is EMBARASSING.

More embarassing is the knee jerk respone of supposedly adult human beings to this class revolutionary drivel. Yet this Facist routine has sold before and will again, Obama is a PEDLER schooled in a REVOLUTIONARY TRACK,

This is SUCH a classic socialist propagandised movement it is scairy to watch, and to watch supposedly loyal Americans applaud destroying the very fabric of our exceptionalism. We have become a generation of community activists demanding our rights to free home mortgages with a government ready to empty our treasures to finance a massive revolution against our basic ideals and belief in individualism and exceptionalism.