Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Liberal Model

Does the Liberal ideology of the progressives work?


Doesn't appear like it, take Detroit after many years of liberal rule, Detroit dies, as do all large cities with liberal governance. If they are not dead they are in the top in taxes and loosing liquidity quickly. There is no evidence that a liberal government can run ANYTHING. They have no interest or knack at creating wealth, only distributing it. They take more and more from productive citizens and give more and more to non-productive citizens. Truth is, some people need to work very hard to survive, working very hard use to be a positive attribute. Today it isn't even on the radar screen for a large percentage of our population.


Our citizens are not safe. The liberal society that puts the rights of habitual felons before the safety of the lawful citizen is broken. Most horrendous crimes, kid napping and rape of children and women are committed by criminals who have been released from prison, often on parole or early release programs. Families of People killed by drunken drivers find he has 3-5 DUI arrests.


We see statements that 80% of the people in prison are minorities. The liberals use that as an example of how our society is unfair to minorities. BUT THE FACTS ARE that minorities commit more than 80% of the crimes. The liberal calls of racism hamper an honest discussion of the real issues. Little is spoken of the cesspool of degradation in our inner cities anymore. The liberal agenda has appropriated trillions of dollars to fix these problems but instead have used it to build a political apparatus, not improve the status of the downtrodden. The fact is, we have paid reparation for 60 years and the politicians have diverted it to self serving programs such as ACORN and "Project Housing" that centralized their political base. The black politicians and other liberals never wanted desegregation because in an integrated district where the minorities were 20% they probably wouldn't be elected.

Social Issues:

I believe 75% of minority children grow up fatherless. This is largely due to the social programs that reward single mothers. So while it makes sense not to marry for economic reasons, it also relieves the man from any legal burden for his family. After years of supporting Gay Rights, atheism, Right to Abortions, and other programs that deteriorate the family structure the Liberals have created a totally dysfunctional society. They have some derided fantasy that they can teach family planning to those they haven't taught to read or write. REMEMBER 90% of the teaching in public schools is controlled by liberals. Here, again, more effort is given to organizing political power through Unions and other devices and providing for the well-being of the teachers than providing a viable education. The more sought after education such as in private Catholic schools is nurtured by a more conservative ideology.

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