Sunday, August 9, 2009

he is ALMOST saying Pelosi and Obama are LYING to the people.

((((So it is disappointing, to say the least, to see Ms. Pelosi and other Democrats revert to round-up-the-usual-suspects demagoguery. President Obama has been more restrained but hardly more accurate; in a news conference last month, he inaccurately complained about insurers making "record profits, right now." In fact, among U.S. industries generally and other parts of the health sector in particular, insurers are not particularly profitable. The latest Fortune 500 ranking of most profitable industries has pharmaceuticals third, medical products and equipment fourth, and health insurers down at No. 35. Drugmakers reported a 19.3 percent profit margin; insurers, 2.2 percent. ))))

wow sounds like he is ALMOST saying Pelosi and Obama are LYING to the people. They wouldnt do that just to jin up class warfare would they??

Seems like lying to the PEOPLE for their own good al la AL Gore is OK, YES? NO?

Barney Franks and Fannie Mae ruined USA

Just a remonder. it is amazing we just let the libs LIE, well no truth if the press is corrupt.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Remeber Barney Franks and Chris Dodd

They ginned Fannie Mae and Freddie Frank into ruining the mortgage market and then the econony... despite liberals and Obama's lies that it was the Bush policies.

A dangerous man.

This man is creepy as he preaches division, sounds like the great divider now. Dosn't seem he would mind blood in the streets. Would his minions support martial law? Apparently they support his call to silence his opponents. We will hit them harder is his call.

"Why should I listen to them? They caused the problem!!"

He is demonizing the US citizens. What an embarassment to have this Chicago thug as our president.

A dangerous man. This Barack Hussein Obama.

No matter how low he sinks, I am constantly amazed he can go lower. He now claims the President of the United states has no reason to listen to US citizens. Citizens are irrevocably elienated from their government based on their disagreeing with Obama.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Fishy, Nazi, Marxists

Just when I think Obama and his Chicago Mob has sunk to their lowest level they prove me wrong. It just amazes me how the press and his cohorts seem to be willing to ratchet up the dialogue to unheard of levels.

All is well in the republic, it is the sheep's clothing we need to fear, we know how to respond when the wolf bears his teeth. Now they are willing to expose themselves they have lost, only by trickery and deceit could they foist this socialist regime on our citizens. I have no doubt about 30% of the population would be OK with that, but the rest of us will prevail.

I listen to Chis Mathews and these imbeciles talking about how the same people are showing up who were in Florida in 2001.. How descenters are too well dressed to be honest good folks... have these people lost their minds? Have they absolutely NO INTEGRITY. It is an absolute joke how within 5 minutes of each other they are reciting EXACTLY THE SAME QUOTES,. I'm sure they are all on Obama's talking point email list. Someone please stand up and show some sanity, one rational voice in the main stream media could be an absolute American hero.

Obama doesn't have any respect for our country, for its traditions or anything we stand for. AND HE HAS NO RESPECT FOR THE CITIZENS AND THEIR RIGHTS. He's starting to sound a lot like a South American dictator he seems to love.

Ah they finally got it RIGHT, we are the enemy, we are the mob, we are their worst nightmare.

We are USA citizens, and this is the land of our fathers, and this is about their vision not Pelosi's, Dodd's Reid's or Obama's or the Chicago Machine's.

Now you will find out just how irritating and obnoxious community organizers can get.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The truth is ...

The truth is Obama himself probably doesn't know what he believes about exact issues. He is in general a Social/progressive Ideologue, the details are probably not that important to him. He probably spent most of his life within his extreme liberal environment believing most people agreed with what he thought. He probably believed a small cadre of capitalists ran the country and the masses were really for socialism and what He believed in. He probably is surprised so many people are anti-socialist. He is now confused. He doesn't know what to say to whom. Do USA citizens really disagree with socialism... Obama thought the time was right and he was the MAN.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Talking to a liberal

Talking to a liberal.

No matter what you say, they say, "you watch Fox News right?" as if that immediately casts you as some ignorant fool... while Cris Mathews (thrill up and down his leg) is a bastion of accurate reporting.

When you quote statistics, even the most recognized such as 80% of street crime is commuted by
minorities, they question your sources, NO MATTER WHAT THEY ARE.

Then there are those secret thoughts they harbor about the TRUTH they think you cant handle... such as population control, with birth control, abortions, quotas and euthanasia.


No matter what it is, if you repeat it enough you can make people believe it.

For example:

"There are 50 million Americans who cant get health insurance"

12 million illegal aliens
16 million can afford and choose not to
15 million qualify for medicaid and other benefits and dont apply
rest are between jobs/

"There are many people who are refused because of previous illnesses"

This is already illegal and dosnt apply to groups anyway.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The great $4500 gove-a-way

JEEZE what a circus, now the libs are congratulating themselves that if they give away $4500 people will actually take it. So 250,000 citizens defines only by what car they own took advantage of getting 4500-2000 or so bonus on their trade in. The libs seem to feel exhilarated that they were successful, they are gleeful. Do they realize they spent 3billion encentivizing citizens to buy the wrong cars? These arn't really the GREEN cars. Oh well in 2011 we'll do another 3 billion to sell the real green cars. Why Not?


I'm trying to figure out why I should pay 1billion to 3 billion so 250,000 to 750,000 jokers who will buy a car that BARELY reduces gas consumption. The greenies are orgasmic because it reduces CO2 emissions. So of 200,000,000 vehicles we may get 750,000 to reduce emissions by 30%.

So .30 x .0035 = 0.00105 of emissions from vehicles thats 1 tenth of 1 percent. We did a lot better than that by cutting back when prices were 4.50 a gallon. So now everyone has their official GREEN car, who's going to by the new ones Detroit is going to produce?

Guess well need to pay these 750,000 buyers to trade in for a Colt or whatever the REAL GREEN car is.