Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Fishy, Nazi, Marxists

Just when I think Obama and his Chicago Mob has sunk to their lowest level they prove me wrong. It just amazes me how the press and his cohorts seem to be willing to ratchet up the dialogue to unheard of levels.

All is well in the republic, it is the sheep's clothing we need to fear, we know how to respond when the wolf bears his teeth. Now they are willing to expose themselves they have lost, only by trickery and deceit could they foist this socialist regime on our citizens. I have no doubt about 30% of the population would be OK with that, but the rest of us will prevail.

I listen to Chis Mathews and these imbeciles talking about how the same people are showing up who were in Florida in 2001.. How descenters are too well dressed to be honest good folks... have these people lost their minds? Have they absolutely NO INTEGRITY. It is an absolute joke how within 5 minutes of each other they are reciting EXACTLY THE SAME QUOTES,. I'm sure they are all on Obama's talking point email list. Someone please stand up and show some sanity, one rational voice in the main stream media could be an absolute American hero.

Obama doesn't have any respect for our country, for its traditions or anything we stand for. AND HE HAS NO RESPECT FOR THE CITIZENS AND THEIR RIGHTS. He's starting to sound a lot like a South American dictator he seems to love.

Ah they finally got it RIGHT, we are the enemy, we are the mob, we are their worst nightmare.

We are USA citizens, and this is the land of our fathers, and this is about their vision not Pelosi's, Dodd's Reid's or Obama's or the Chicago Machine's.

Now you will find out just how irritating and obnoxious community organizers can get.

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