Friday, March 27, 2009

If 1,000,000 monkeys at 1,000,000 typewriters

There is an old saying that eventually by random chance enough monkeys pounding on keyboards world produce every known work of art. The idea here being that if you had enough activity and no defined objective then eventually everything would happen by random chance.

President Obama is now testing this theory, he campaigned with the populist theory that we are rewarding companies that are shipping good jobs overseas. On March 26, 2008 during his on-line town hall meeting he said those weren't good jobs. Obviously reacting to current foreign pressure about protectionism. I would imagine that some of the 1000's of software jobs going to India would meet some one's definition of happiness in USA.

It isn't about what IS IS anymore, what is doesn't matter. It is about what suits the moment, it's about the words you say.

You would think truth would create the words, Obama tries to create a convenient truth with a collection of words.

Whats really curious is why we can't repeat the same words more often, is this what we mean by change? The problem is Obama has a progressive ideology without any specific goals, every progressive item is on his agenda, a total and complete re-engineering of our social order.

Just now, Obama speaking of our wars has said that our civilians have made a lot of sacrifices, well he normally doesn't say this. Normally he says we are the UGLY AMERICAN and we need to LEARN to make sacrifices.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Young Presdent

Surprising we keep saying that Obama is young, yes his persona is youthful, but 47 is hardly "Young". When does YOUNG dissolve into immature and naive. I think it has. We have a naive progressive that has actually bought into the ideology. Most progressive politicians use progressives to build a base politically, then implement policies that are more widely appealing to our citizenship. Now that class warfare and fascism is our official white house stance, and Obama is exposed as a full fledged Socialist, do I detect a certain regret even in his most ardent media supporters? I hope so. I don't want to be just another socialist democracy with a growing communist party in the wings. I want to be the republic Thomas Jefferson lived for.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

An evolving Presidency

President Obama's views seem to be evolving, from convienent campaign slogans to real life action plans, No surprise there is a big devide in some of these positions, surely we knew he only said what we wanted to hear. His hard stance on Afghanistan was obviously a ploy to compensate for the liberal aura of WEAKNESS on military and inter national issues. Now Obama is talking about reconciliation with moderate Taliban (is there such a thing?). This would only take away 50% of woman's rights ans install 50% Shara law.

REMEMBER, Islam isn't all that disturbing to Barack Hussein Obama, it is his birth father's and step father's religion.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Obama Break Out Groups

There's a lot of ink being used talking about Obama's inexperience and numerous small mistakes, like bad karma with Britain's Prime Minister, his Price/profit earnings ratio naivety.

Some talk about his inexperience and youth, actually Obama is 47, not actually qualified as YOUTHFUL and no-one is really qualified to be president. Obama's real problem is that he is too rooted in academia. Presentations such as summit groups and break out groups are an exercise of academia that simulates problem solving. Academia's obsession with IDEAS creates an ultimate atmosphere to generate ideas. They then list them, sort them, categorize, rate and rank them. The academia and the elite progressive is consumed with the premise that ideas drive the world, if you just had the BEST idea the solution would slip effortlessly into place.

I spent 5 years on advisory board to A branch of the University of Wisconsin. It was always about accumulating Ideas and rating and ranking them, seldom about ACTION. An academic told me (dripping with sarcasm) that the difference between business people and academics were that the business community tended to be too impetuous.

This obsession with ideas tends to ignore what works. Some optimum distribution of wealth between achievers and non achievers may very well exist. There may actually be a real fairness issue and somewhere on the "CHART" maybe the scales are in perfect balance.

What academics and and ideologues in general tend to miss is that some final vision isn't in reality an "IDEA". A world where everyone exists at a standard of living equal to $250,000 annual income is not an IDEA. A world where everyone shares wealth equally isn't an IDEA, These are OUTCOMES.

Outcomes are useful for some long range target to focus efforts and designs, as a yardstick to judge effort and progress but they are not actionable ideas.

Some outcomes are not obtainable. There are 5 billion people on the Earth, everyone cannot have 5 acres on the ocean with servants and cabanas etc.

However, defining an outcome isn't necessarily the best approach to problem solving. Defining a process that produces as much wealth as possible may obtain a result across a large range of outcomes, variable by community, organization and individual. Non human variables such as climate can impact outcome greatly.

Defining a method or process is invariably actionable by definition and is a model that can be tweaked and improved Thu normal model building techniques. Not being confined to a single rigid outcome is an advantage in this system. Defining an outcome is rigid, inflexible and requires extraordinary amount of control.