There is this sense that the love the polar bears, vegetarian, mother earth, global warming, green energy persons are "More Loving, "Less Prejudiced", "Greater Intellects" and the more pragmatic, conservatives are somehow "Less Loving" and DUMBER, and crueler and more prejudiced.
So the liberals say they have a better PATH to the future, a kinder and gentler way that takes care of everyone who cant do it for themselves, or can't do as well as some others, or or.Reality is that this giving generous NANNY state ideology has not worked anywhere it has been tried. It isn't relevant that the progressive ideology has a appealing sales pitch, relevancy is dependent on success. After 80 years of experimentation all of the progressive attempts at governance have failed.
HOUSING PROJECTS of the 50's. These low cost public housing projects became prisons and gang emporiums. In Chicago they couldn't keep the elevators running and people were terrorized by gangs and others who took control.
WELFARE: Families were impacted because there was no incentive to marry. An unmarried mother received more assistance, and child care and other benefits. Fathers, not being legally responsible didn't contribute to the family.
HOME LOANS: Terrorizing banks to give low non prime loans to have people who couldn't afford it buy homes ruined these people and the national economy.
ACORN: Financing irresponsible action groups built power structures negative to the general well being.
Unions: Pandering to teacher, fire dept, postal, public transportation, and gov unions with full retirement as early as 50 and excessive health care programs and other entitlements bankrupted cities, states and potentially our nation.
The end is that intentions and sense of "good" didn't get it done. Sure it has a sense of GOOD to give Fire Fighters 100% retirement after 20 years of service and 50 years of age. But when you can't pay the bills and your city state is bankrupt where is the GOOD.
When you have asked your citizens for so much taxes that they are leaving your city or state where is the goodness then.
Intentions are great BUT RESULTS MATTER.
Has anyone heard of tough love. That's the way I think of us conservatives. It may require a little toughness, but if the results are better isn't that the real test of CARING. Doing what may be harder, but works is really a better kind of love.
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